Hello everyone :)

Very nice to join a community of like-minded people.

I am a 24-year-old male and I love adventure, however, a woman was killed by a cougar 2 weeks ago about 1 hour away from where I normally camp and now I am fearful of solo backpacking.

I will work on making more friends in my area who are down to backpack however until then should I let my fear stop me? I am located in the Pacific Northwest in America.

Are there any solo veterans who can shed some light on this?
I haven't solo backpacked, but I have spent a bit of time in the Canadian Rockies, the Yukon and Alaska.

According to Wikipedia, 20 people have been killed by Cougars in North America in the last 120 years........9 of them children. So statistically you're much more likely to be struck by lightning, attacked by a Bear or bitten by a snake.....and those events are pretty rare in themselves.

If you are concerned, get a can of Bear spray and don't worry about it!