The Original Video (2005)
I first put "Hobo Living" online way back in 2005 after my trip to the US where I freight hopped for 10 days with a guy I got talking to on a forum. Back then there weren't really any other freight hopping videos on YouTube so it got a lot of attention. A lot of people thought it was great and loved the adventure but a lot of other people seemed to get bizarrely furious about it, calling me all sorts of nasty names which made me cry.
Sunday Times Article (2011)
I had a short video interview with a Sunday Times journalist as he was putting together an interactive feature about hobos and had been given my name by someone else he'd interviewed.

The whole point of me being part of the feature was that I am the wildcard, the one who is NOT a hobo. I feel the need to point that out because of all the crap I've been sent over the years by angry train lovers and hobos alike whinging about the fact I'm not a real hobo. Silly people.

Anyway, the website is subscription only, so I thought I'd put my interview up on here in case anyone was interested.