So I Hopped my first freight train last March out of Cincinnati. It was so god damn exhilarating im planning on doing a longer trip. I wish I could have taped my first catch. I just had to get out of the city and I heard yhe train callin to me. I had to climb up a support beam and there was only about 7 or 8 ft worth of standing platform for me to run and catch it before I would have fallen about 20 or 30 ft and definately been fucking hurt probably broken somewhere. So im hooked I love the adrenaline rush and the scenery in Ohio / Kentucky is amazing. Now im in Aurora, IL and I want to take a trip south to Decatur and hopefully find a buddy to come check this shit out with me and Im thinkin California baby!!! Or Louisiana then Cali... The only thing that gets me is how you can be certain youve got the right trains... Other than that I feel like im ready for the challenge. Im so happy ive found this forum btw thanks to Brave Dave loved your SupaFat Freight Hop video learned a few things watching ya. So how about it then any EXPERIENCED riders got a BIT of advice, pointers, knowledge they could share with me mostly about navigating? Im spending my every day preparing myself for a DECENT ride now and I have a train going right by my little appartment almost every 5 minutes all day erryday. Thanks! LIVE FREE!!!
Trackside guide, Crew Change guide, scanner. It's alot trickier in the states because so many rails going everywhere ha. Canada is pretty much wb-eb
Noice mate! Where would I obtain these guides? Online? Yeah theres probably a whole lot more chance for fuckin up in the states eh? These trains could go anywhere lol which is why I REALLY want to KNOW im on the right train
You can find the crew change guide on Reddit or find a torrent copy you can download. The trackside guide I'm only familiar with where to get the Canadian version however I'm fairly certain there is a us version. Something to research
Where do u get the canadian version?
canadianhoppernothing on reddit and 2015 in the torrent
canadianhopper nothing on reddit and 2015 in the torrent