Hello Dave et al. :-)

I found this place after watching (and commenting on) your vids Dave.

The train hopping really appeals to me as it's something I even thought about as a kid, but the shit I could get into trying it in the UK makes it something I probably won't do. - being an old git n'that.
I've always been interested in getting out there and doing stuff in many places I shouldn't, - mine exploration is my main interest, but I've not been underground for a while. - next trip will be in March, - all legit too.(titter)
I've done a fair bit of what the kids call 'urbecks' too, lol

I'm very much into my Land Rover (1967) and I've visited many places in the UK greenlaning & camping.

I also co-run a Land Rover forum, but the layout here is a bit different to the 'createaforum' stuff I'm used to.

I'll try and contribute as much as I can while I'm here.

Take it easy chaps.

P.S: Where's the smileys/emoticons? :-)
Hi Leo! Good to have you on board!

Mine exploration sounds very cool. What do you mean exactly? How's it different to caving?

The layout of this forum will be different to anything you're used to because I coded the whole damn thing from scratch so it's the only one of its kind in the world. The good thing about this is that if there's anything I can think of to make it better, I can code it. But yeah, I've not coded smilies yet. You'll just have to make do with the old school punctuation sideways smilies for now ;-)

I've done a ton of work to the site over the last few days (and weeks) so I'll be getting more people to join the very near future. Feel free to post as much as you want and about anything you want. Nice one!
Alright Dave,
(The name's Kev.)

I suppose the main difference beteween caving and mine exploration is that you can die caving by drowning and getting stuck in a crawlspace etc.,
but in minex you can die by getting buried under a collapse, breathing poisonous gases, or falling through a false floor etc. :-)

There's shedloads of abandoned mines all over the place that you can access, but obviously everywhere is owned by someone, so trespass is usually the case.
I've slept in a mine once, we had a Christmas party down there, and it's one of the best kips I've ever had. :-)

If it works, here's a pic from a trip I planned, where we had around a 2 hour search for the bottom of an airshaft that hadn't been accessed for around 70 years, and involved some wading through ball-deep cold water at some points.
If this pic doesn't work, I'm going to look a tit.
i58.photobucket.com/... ...11/055.jpg